Iñigo Sainz Rivera - Ingeniero de Software
Iñigo Sainz Rivera
IT Engineer
Telephone: (+33) 7 81 94 59 88
E-mail: soyinigo@gmail.com
Web: http://isrivera.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/iñigo-sainz-rivera/44/550/b84/


Java JDK, JDBC, Freemarker, JavaMail, Swing, Applets, SWT, SWING.
Java Entreprise Edition J2EE/JEE, Servlet, JSP, JPA, Web Services.
Application Servers Tomcat, Jetty, WebLogic, XAMPP
Frameworks Spring, Hibernate, Struts.
Languages Java, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, CSS.
Web Services SOAP, REST.
I-Net AngularJS, ExtJS 6, JQuery, Ajax, XML, JSON.
Operating Systems Windows, Unix.
Databases Mongodb, Elasticsearch, SQL, Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB.
Configuration Management Git, SVN, Dimension, Visual Enabler.
Build tools Maven, Ant.
Continuous integration JUnit, Mock, Sonar, Jenkins.
Networks / Protocols HTTP, HTTPs, SSL, FTP, sFTP.
Methodologies / Architecture UML, Rational Rose, Design-Patterns, SCRUM, Continuous integration, Unified Process, Extreme Programming.
Management Tools Jira, Alfresco, Confluence.

Professional experience

05/2019 - Present Software Engineer - Tech lead in PARTECIS (Toulouse - France).

  • Several projects in electronic banking in Agile context, with a distributed team between Paris, Toulouse and Lyon.

    Design, developing, deployment and testing of differents back-end applications from scratch.

    Recovery of a web application for maintenance and new evolutions (full stack).

04/2016 - 05/2019 Software Engineer in DOCAPOST (Paris - France).

  • Project Okoro. It’s a web-based software for high security archiving, of trusted third party type, developed in Java (back) and ExtJS6 (front).

    Design, developing, testing and installation of software. Analysis and development for back-end and front-end.

2014 - 2016 Software Engineer in CLS - Collecte Localisation Satellites (Toulouse - France).

  • Project SIP for the control of fishing vessels for different governments

    Design, developing, testing and installation of software. Analysis and development for back-end and front-end of the application.

2013 - 2014 Analyst / Programmer for the Spanish bank BBVA.

  • International project Typhoon Market Store for stock market

    Development of a tool for receiving and recording data from different suppliers (Bloomberg, Reuters…) by different channels and communication protocols, and subsequent treatment by batch processes and a web user interface.

    Service as Freelance. Analysis and development for back-end and front-end of the application using Spring MVC architecture. Direct relationship with the client. Participation in a team of 10 people in development and integration of the application for simultaneous use in the Spanish bank BBVA and the Mexican bank Bancomer.

2011 - 2013 Analyst / Programmer for Indra and Everis (Spain).

  • Project Delta for Gas Natural Fenosa. Billing, sales and hiring modules.

    Development of data models and technical designs, using the standard UML. Programming in Java with the platform Eclipse. MVC architecture. Participation in a team of more than 25 people for the creation of the comercial system of the company. Responsible for module for incidence solving, creation of interfaces and data generation.

2010 - 2011 Analyst / Programmer for Team Vision S.A (Spain).

  • Several projects for the Spanish bank BBVA.

    Programming in Java, using the platform Eclipse and the GUI SWT. Design and development of the own development tool of the bank, to create, modify and promote components in HOST and Changeman environments. Techinal designs, creation and modification of data models, processes in client and server, and communications between applications. Direct relationship with the client. Participation in a team of 5 people. Integration of the application for simultaneous use in the Spanish bank BBVA and the Mexican bank Bancomer.

2011 - 2013 Design, development, placing and promotion of corporate websites. Service as freelance for small companies.

  • Consulting work for small companies. Development of complex tailor-made websites. Internal and external placement duties in search engines (SEO). Online promotion (SEM) through several channels provided by internet.

2009 - 2010 Software Engineer for the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

  • Project Sigeco (Construction Management System).

    Requirements analysis. Design of the architecture. Functional analysis. Design of data models. Techinal designs. Creation of the database. MVC architecture. Direct relationship with the client. Participation in a team of 14 people.


2004-2011 IT Engineer, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Sep 2008 – Jun 2009 Erasmus Scholarship in Paris, Université Paris-Sud 11.
2012 30h course of community manager, Instituto Community Manager.
2010 40h course of Dreamweaver, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
2009 Course of positioning of websites in search engines. SEO., Online.


Spanish Native.
English B2 level.
2008. English B1. 30h course. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
2010. One month in Malta with a Spanish scholarship to undertake a 45 hours course of English Level B1.
French C1 level.
2006. French B1. 30h course. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
2007. French B2. 30h course. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Resident in France since February of 2014.

Other data

Personal skills and competences Proactive, responsible, commitment, managing abilities and good speaker.
Driving licences A and B.
Hobbies Enthusiast and regular player of paddle sport, football, ski or snowboard. Lover of film, travel, or meetings with friends. Attracted by the different cultures, delighted to meet new people.

Iñigo Sainz Rivera - Software Engineer - Tech Lead Java - http://isrivera.com